Welcome to OnTime.lk

About Us

Ontime.lk is a subsidiary business of Lanka-e-works and with the growth of new technology that allowed for connectivity has seen a boost in the goods delivery business industry. Technology help to reduce costs for end user customer by employing systems to ensure that customers can get their goods delivered same day as when they ordered it. Today a lot of goods delivery businesses offer same day deliveries to customers gathering in more money from this position.

Consumers have the upper hand with regard to delivery options they prefer, this is why most goods delivery businesses are now focusing more on their recipient customers. Further consumers now have the option of tracking their goods and determining when it will get to them.

This e-commerce market has generated huge volumes and there are new delivery options that have been launched by several entrants such as using different means – taxi, bicycle, motorcycle, foot messengers and even the use of an app that allows ordinary people do the delivery to bring innovation to the delivery marketplace.

Ontime.lk spend more attention on quick-time goods delivery and we expect to cater to both corporate and domestic clients, and will strive to meet all the demands of all different customers.

We hope to generate revenue and make profit but also to compete favorably with other goods delivery businesses over the country. To compete with our competitors, we follow different strategies at hand to ensure that we remain proactive and achieve our intended goals and objectives.

We can climb the next step in ensuring that we invest in the best and experienced hands to help bring our business to the status that is in line with our goals and objectives with the best professionals.

Our two delivery drivers have been trained on how to attend to customers and what to do if a client is making a hard moment bargaining or demanding. Further we use several other strategies as well, therefore we are not thrown back when there is an obstacle but are prepared for it.

We highly sensitive to the wants and needs of our customers, and also remain updated regarding other competitors as well.

Accordingly, Except to any other marketing strategies a newly and trustable mechanism is planned to use via ontime.lk to selling goods and providing delivery facility over the country. Ontime.lk Deliver all kinds of equipments items or goods or anything to anywhere in Sri Lanka based on web and final target of ontime.lk is to be the best entrepreneur in high scale of delivering each and every requirement.

We plan to deliver all kinds of goods to our various customers with the exception of certain goods that are not legally permissible under Sri Lankan law. We will deliver different types of goods to our various customers and our target market is huge and cannot be limited to certain location or set of people. As this mainly base on Colombo and the busiest ladies and gentlemen are working in capital city with their busy schedules this business can run smoothly developing more confidence and trust towards customers.

Uniqueness of ontime.lk

We provide and deliver only rare and branded collectibles and common goods in daily markets but with quality assurance, warranty, safety and timing.

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